miercuri, 26 mai 2010


Am nascut pe 17 Martie o fetita FRUMOASA SI SANATOASA!
Cel mai important pentru o sarcina la care BB are C.O. bivascular este sa fiti urmarite de medicul curant cat se poate de des si amanuntit.
Eu o recomand pe Dna Ana Maria NASTASE de la CF 2.
Va poop si sa auzim numai de bine.

joi, 19 noiembrie 2009

Inceputul- Cordon Omilical Bivascular

Anul acesta in iunie am aflat ca sunt insarcinata din nou.
M am panicat pentru ca mai am un baietel de 1 an si sapte lunisi mi era teama ca e prea devreme si ca poate nu voi face fata.
Sotul meu a fost minunat si mi a alungat aceasta temere.
Au urmat ecografii, teste uzuale de sange totul OK.
Atunci cand am aflat ca asteptam o fetita bucuria a fost si mai mare- Dumnezeu ne a binecuvantat cu o pereche!

Am tras o sperietura prin saptamana a 11 a cand am avut ceva sangerari dar doctorita care mi urmareste sarcina si cu care de altfel am si nascut pe David m a asigurat ca e Falsa menstruatie si ca mi va trece si totul va fi OK.
Am luat Dufaston si intr adevar totul e Ok!

Am o doctorita nemaipomenita:
Foarte priceputa
Dispusa sa discute cu gravida oricand si orice

Se numeste Ana Maria Nastase si profeseaza la
CF 2
Medical City

Marti pe data de 17 Noiembrie am fost sa fac morfologia fetala de trimestrul 2 la Dr Cheles Carmen la Medlife.
Aici dna Doctor a fost foarte draguta, explicita si amabila.
M a asigurat ca totul este Ok cu fetita mea cu singurul amendament ca avem cordonul ombilical cu 2 vase (1A si 1 V).
Din fericire, m a asigurat ca fetita este perfect sanatoasa; exista riscul unor malformatii DOAR in cazul in care ceilalti soft markeri indicau posibila existanta a acestora.

Va dati seama ca am plecat totusi cu un sambure de indoiala in suflet si am sunat o pe Ana- care la randul ei m a asigurat ca totul este perfect- fiind vorba doar de o malformatie izolata a CO.

Am citit si eu pe net si iata ce am gasit- poate sunteti si voi interesati/te.:

"Single Umbilical Arteryaka Two Vessel Cord

What is SUA? SUA is when the umbilical cord has only one artery, with the left artery absent more commonly than the right. Even though only one artery is necessary to sustain a pregnancy, single umbilical artery still causes concern because of other conditions that are often associated with SUA pregnancies. Single umbilical arteries are associated more commonly with fetal anomalies than normal cords.
How many arteries does a normal umbilical cord have? The umbilical cord is composed of three vessels; 2 arteries and one vein. Only 1 artery is necessary to sustain a healthy pregnancy. The vein carries oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from the placenta to the
baby , while the two arteries transport waste from the baby back to the placenta (where waste is transferred to the mother’s blood and disposed of by her kidneys).
What causes only one artery? Single umbilical artery is believed to be caused by atrophy of a previously normal artery, presence of the original artery of the body stalk, or agenesis of one of the umbilical arteries.
How common is SUA? Single umbilical artery (SUA) is the most common malformation of the umbilical cord and affects between 0.5% and 7% of pregnancies and 1 in 100 live births. Single umbilical artery occurs in fewer than 1% of cords in singletons and 5% of cords in at least one twin. SUA's are found twice as often in white women than in African American and Japanese women. Diabetes increases the risk significantly. Two-vessel cords are found more frequently in fetuses aborted spontaneously. The male-to-female ratio is 0.85:1.
How is SUA diagnosed? The vessels in the cord are clearly identifiable with ultrasound. The vein usually is larger than the arteries. The presence of only 2 vessels on an ultrasound cross section is highly suggestive of a single umbilical artery.
Will having an SUA affect my pregnancy? There is some disagreement on the significance of this phenomenon; however, there is an association with low birthweight (<2500g)>
Ross Welch, "It is important to check with colour flow (I find colour power angio easiest for this) whether there is a visible hypogastric artery either side of the fetal bladder or whether there is only one. There are a couple of papers in the literature which report anastomosis of two vessels inside the fetus into one in the cord."

Resources:Fetal Medicine Unit:
Single Umbilical Artery. (Diagnosis ultrasound images.)Dr. Hull's brief SUA article. (Dr. Hull's son had an SUA and was born healthy.)March of Dimes: Umbilical Cord Abnormalities. Support:UCB Parents : Notes from moms whose pregnancies had a SUA.Visit our High Risk Pregnancy or Pregnancy Forums for Support."


Is a two-vessel umbilical cord a sign of Down syndrome?
Down Syndrome, Fetal Development [Edit categories]
No. It could indicate that the child has a birth defect of some sort, since if one abnormality exists, others are quite possible. It does not mean that the child has any specific birth defect, or even that the child has one. "


Perinatal Pathology

Two Vessel Umbilical Cord (SUA)By Carolyn M. Salafia, MD
Q. During an ultrasound, the doctor said I had a 2 vessel cord and that it can sometimes mean that there is a chance for a heart defect. What are the complications, if any, or things that can happen with this?
A. There are two ways that folks look at a 2 vessel cord (or a "single umbilical artery", "SUA"). The first is that, IF you have a baby with many obvious malformations, it is common for that child ALSO to have a SUA.
HOWEVER, the majority of children with SUA have no other abnormalities. "


"Sonographic Evaluation of the Two Vessel Umbilical Cord
A Comparison Between Umbilical Arteries Adjacent to the Bladder and Cross-sections of the Umbilical Cord
Shaun Bornemeier, BA, BS
Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington; Department of Radiology, Division of Ultrasound, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle.
Lisa A. Carpinito, BS, RDMS
Thomas C. Winter, MD
Department of Radiology, Division of Ultrasound, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle.
Evaluation of the umbilical cord is an important part of a fetal ultrasound examination. The gold standard for documenting the umbilical cord has been an axial section of a free loop of umbilical cord within the amniotic fluid. There are normally two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein, but in approximately 1% of pregnancies, only one umbilical artery is present. The presence of a two vessel umbilical cord or a single umbilical artery has been associated with an increase in other fetal abnormalities. When axial views of the umbilical cord are not obtainable, it is common practice to use color Doppler to determine the presence or absence of the umbilical arteries as they course adjacent to the fetal bladder. The three-vessel cord is confirmed by identifying the right and left umbilical arteries on each side of the bladder.
This study compared axial views of free-floating two vessel umbilical cords with color Doppler evaluation of the umbilical arteries adjacent to the bladder and attempted to answer three questions regarding the single umbilical artery: 1) Does the presence of two umbilical arteries next to the fetal urinary bladder validate the documentation of a three vessel umbilical cord; 2) When one umbilical artery was absent, was there a prevalence as to which side was affected; and 3) Does the side of the absent umbilical artery correlate with an increase or decrease in risk for other anomalies?
This study showed that there were three sonographic variations with respect to a two vessel umbilical cord when axial gray scale images of the umbilical cord were compared with color Doppler images of the umbilical arteries adjacent to the fetal urinary bladder. The most prevalent variation, occurring in 17 (49%) of 35 cases, was the two-vessel cord with the left umbilical artery absent. The right umbilical artery was absent in 13 (37%) of 35 cases. The third and least prevalent variation, occurring in five (14%) of 35 cases, was a two vessel umbilical cord with both umbilical arteries present adjacent to the fetal urinary bladder. Each of the single umbilical artery variations in the study were associated equally with other sonographically identifiable abnormalities. We conclude that a two vessel umbilical cord may be missed by relying solely on color Doppler views of the umbilical arteries adjacent to the bladder.
Key Words: single umbilical artery • two vessel umbilical cord • umbilical cord"